black & white

explore | observe | create

201801 B&W Header Image

End of the road | 29 December 2017

The 365-day black & white project evolved from a seven-day challenge on Facebook to make a black and white image every day for seven days, with no people and no explanation of the photo. I enjoyed doing this so much I decided to keep going for a year. I started to experiment with contrast and seeing how far I could push an image, and I became engrossed in the work.

I posted a black and white photo every day in 2018 on my instagram account. These images were mainly of the little things, the mundane things I saw every day. A house, a pole, a door, something on the ground. But sometimes they were the things that stood out and screamed “look at me”.

Sometimes I processed the photos normally, but sometimes I liked to experiment to create a high contrast image that documented the subject in a different light, from a different perspective. These were over-processed images that were nothing like reality, and they weren’t intended to be.

Most of these photos were made on my iPhone 6. Captured on the phone camera and processed in Snapseed or, more recently, Lightroom CC for Mobile.

I had a lot of fun making these images.

My wrap-up blog post on this project is here. Thank you to everyone who supported and encouraged me throughout the year. I made it!

Days 361-365

Days 351-360

Days 341-350

Days 331-340

Days 321-330

Days 311-320

Days 301-310

Days 291-300

Days 281-290

Days 271-280

Days 261-270

Days 251-260

Days 241-250

Days 231-240

Days 221-230

Days 211-220

Days 201-210

Days 191-200

Days 181-190

Days 171-180

Days 161-170

Days 151-160

Days 141-150

Days 131-140

Days 121-130

Days 111-120

Days 101-110

Days 91-100

Days 81-90

Days 71-80

Days 61-70

Days 51-60

Days 41-50

Days 31-40

Days 21-30

Days 11-20

Days 1-10